Having trouble sitting or wearing clothes? Or do you have a pimple-like structure on the base of your tailbone that causes swelling, redness, and itching? This means you may be suffering from a pilonidal sinus. So, you need to look for pilonidal sinus treatment without surgery or with surgery.

Pilonidal Sinus
A pilonidal sinus is a small hollow or tunnel that develops in the skin near the tailbone, an abscess may be formed around a pilonidal sinus. Pilonidal sinus usually contains hair, dirt, and debris. They may be painful, become infected, ooze pus or blood. They may also emit a foul smell. So, Let’s take a look at some of the pilonidal sinus treatment without surgery.
Non-surgical Methods to Treat Pilonidal Sinus
- Antibiotics: If the pilonidal sinus is infected, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.
- Warm compression techniques: You can relieve pain and itching by applying a warm compress several times a day to the sinus.
- Drainage: Your doctor may use a small needle or scalpel to drain the pus and debris from the sinus. This can provide relief from pain and swelling and help prevent infection.
- Pilonidal Sinus Treatment with Ayurveda: Ayurveda uses a technique called Kshar Sutra. In Kshar Sutra, ayurvedic herbs are used to alleviate the symptoms.
- Topical creams and ointments: Your doctor may recommend using creams or ointments containing ingredients like tea tree oil, which has antimicrobial properties, to help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.
- Laser treatment: Some doctors may use a laser to remove the hair and debris from the sinus. Laser treatment is less invasive than surgery and may have a quicker recovery time.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment Cream
There are no creams specifically designed to treat pilonidal sinus. However, your doctor may recommend using prescription cream to help reduce inflammation and promote healing of the affected area. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and not use any cream without medical supervision, as some creams may not be suitable for use on the skin near the tailbone.
Pilonidal Sinus Treatment Antibiotics
- Metronidazole.
- Erythromycin.
- Clindamycin.
- Cefixime.

Pilonidal Sinus Surgery Cost in Dubai
Pilonidal sinus surgery cost in Dubai can range from AED 10,000 to AED 20,000. However, this price variation is dependent on several factors.
pilonidal sinus surgery recovery time
Your recovery time varies depending on how your surgery was performed. If your incision was closed with stitches, it will probably take approximately 4 weeks to heal. If the incision was left open, it could take several months.

Pictures of pilonidal sinus
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can pilonidal sinus be cured without surgery?
Yes, pilonidal sinus can be cured without surgery. And there are several other treatment options available besides surgery to remove your pilonidal sinus, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
What is the fastest way to heal a pilonidal sinus wound?
Surgical treatment for pilonidal sinus is the fastest and generally very safe with few risks.
Which treatment is best for pilonidal sinus?
In most cases, a pilonidal sinus abscess will need antibiotic treatment and its pus will also need to be drained.
Should I worry about pilonidal sinus?
Pilonidal sinus is not dangerous, but if it become infected, it can create an abscess, which drains pus into the sinuses. This causes pain, and a foul odor.
What is the permanent solution for pilonidal sinus?
The permanent solution to get rid of a pilonidal sinus is through a minor surgical procedure.
Which food is good for pilonidal sinus?
You need to eat many fruits and vegetables containing fiber, such as bananas, beetroots, carrots, oats, apples, sweet potatoes, and pears.
Non-surgical treatments have the potential to prevent recurrence, they may not be suitable for everyone or be as effective as surgical treatments. In order to determine the best treatment for your specific condition, you should consult a healthcare professional.