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Все, что нужно знать о пупочной грыже

An umbilical hernia occurs when a part of a person’s intestine bulges through the opening in the abdominal muscles near the navel or umbilicus. It is usually observed in infants as a protruded belly button that becomes very evident when they cry. However, this kind of hernia is generally harmless and may resolve by the […]

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gastroenterologist in dubai

Страдаете от грыжи? Узнайте о новейших методах лечения

If you have a localized bulge in the abdomen or groin region that sometimes comes with pain, chances are that you have a hernia. A hernia is a common condition and often produces no troubling symptoms. There are many types of hernia; however, the most common ones are inguinal hernia and femoral hernia. Hernia specialists

Страдаете от грыжи? Узнайте о новейших методах лечения Читать далее »

best hemorrhoid doctor in dubai

Может ли геморрой 2 и 3 степени пройти сам по себе?

Геморрой - это расширенные или увеличенные вены, образующиеся в заднем проходе и нижней части прямой кишки. Иногда, когда вены расширяются слишком сильно, они вызывают набухание геморроидальных узлов, в результате чего стенки анального отверстия растягиваются, истончаются и раздражаются при прохождении стула. По оценкам, 3 из каждых 4 человек в мире страдают от геморроя

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Hemorrhoid Surgery

Восстановление после операции по удалению геморроя: Чего ожидать?

Hemorrhoids are a very common condition. They are located outside the anus or inside the anus and rectum. They may enlarge and swell, leading to pain, discomfort, and sometimes rectal bleeding. If you are in too much pain due to hemorrhoids, experience rectal bleeding, or have recurring hemorrhoids even after non-surgical interventions, your gastroenterologist will recommend surgery.

Восстановление после операции по удалению геморроя: Чего ожидать? Читать далее »

colonoscopy dubai

Колоректальный рак: Вопросы, которые следует задать врачу

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the colon or rectum. Depending upon the exact location of cancer, they can be termed as colon cancer or rectal cancer; however, they are usually grouped together as they share some common features.  Studies show that the prevalence of colorectal cancer is on the rise in recent

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best hemorrhoid doctor in dubai

Правила и запреты после операции по удалению геморроя

Hemorrhoids surgery or hemorrhoidectomy is recommended by a proctologist in case a patient has very large internal or external hemorrhoids. Grade 3 hemorrhoids that protrude through the anus during bowel movements and Grade 4 prolapsed hemorrhoids are the ones that mostly require hemorrhoidectomy. Sometimes, a hemorrhoidectomy is suggested after other treatments,  such as rubber band

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лучшие гастроэнтерологи и проктологи в Дубае

Какие заболевания можно диагностировать с помощью эндоскопии

If you ever visit a gastroenterologist or surgeon with a recurrent digestive issue, you may be recommended to have an upper endoscopy procedure. Most people think of endoscopy as an uncomfortable, painful procedure where a tube is stuffed down their throat- the very image of the procedure makes them ask for all sorts of alternatives. However,

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Pilonidal Cyst

Пилонидальная киста и синус: В чем разница?

Having a pilonidal disease can be quite troublesome. From the acute pain in the natal cleft (the deep groove running between the two buttocks from the sacrum to the perineum) to the embarrassment of having an infection in such an awkward place, many people do not talk about it even to their physicians. However, pilonidal disease is much

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